Friday, October 22, 2010

first long distance ride with gtr.... 20101022

still no picture this time.. forgot maaa... because only me with dato h. we went to kt to see one of our friend adi who was hospitalized because of malaria... we took off from kuantan at 1030am arrived at 1230pm. slow and steady ride. we spent about 1 hour at the hospital. he is getting better. but still unstable. better breathing... most probably he got it while he was in india a few weeks back. maybe he went there without any immunization. thats what people are talking about. anyway.. just a reminder for all of us... get a jab before you go abroad.
went to my mom house... have a cup of milo, shower, prayer etc. dato h sembang with my mom hehehhe.... dia dok tahu lagi my mom pung kaki sembang.. esok dok abih kalu dengo dia sembang hehehe.... anyhow.. i love my mom lah... we took off and arrived in kuantan around 5pm.. conclusion.. tourer jugok gane2 pong.. hok laing kaca lake eh... but that is my personal opinion...  dok kena dgn yang hidup atau mati..

one day process.. merisik, tunnang, nikoh ..... hehhehe 20101021

its all started with.. gerang la tgk gtr dekat chear motor tu.. i told dato b. and he said see you at chear at 11. i will be there with dato h. these 2 datos plays a big role in my life as biker.... we had a roti canai before we go for 'negotiation'.. me and dato b test ride.. man.. what a bike.. we were there about an hour without any conclusion because i got a meeting in paka. cant think straight already hahahha... finish the meeting around 430pm and rush back to kuantan.

test ride dulu maaa.....
went back home , pick up my bike and go to chear again... the moment i decided to bring my back to chear, i know that i will be back with a new bike hahaahahah... cut the story short, deals done. married already maaa... with gtr this time. so there will be no nyambuk natu because its in kuantan. hehhe
kire jadi lah...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

service moto... 20101019.. berarok jugok..

what a life... actually only dato h and pok arr whose bike need to be serviced... the other 3-me, hamka and dato b just escorted them. wak raei org trg kate... dato b decided to do the service as well since we already in kl. unfortunately, this trip got no pictures. i forgot to sanp not even single photo hahahahah sorry guys... no pictures this time. on the way back.. meeting point is bhp gombak at 1500hours. only me and dato b showed up. the rest no show. too busy once in kl with the shopping i guess... so me and dato b left first and decided to wait for them in temerloh. we regroup at temerloh. nice, easy and slow mode from temerloh to kuantan.. got home at 1800hrs. went to bed around 2200hrs. too tired since the day was so damn hot... dato h almost flat in temerloh...

Friday, October 15, 2010

offroad... red on black concert 20101015 darulmakmur stadium

superb... concert starts on time... 845pm(jarang2 concert start on time u know). the show was about 3 hours. starts with ella. she's a superstar. eventhough she is abt 45 years old now. still energetic. still montok i can say. the voice just like when she was with the boys back in the 80s'.

wings with awie... a bit low key but acceptable. the sound system okaylah... malaysian level. amy ... mmmm a bit out perform... may be he is struggling with the throat problem lately. or may be he is old hahahha.....

 overall performance okayla... i enjoyed the show while talking to hamka about riding and bike.. hahahhah

jjcm... ikan pating temerloh....20101015

only 3 of us. me and hamka from kuantan. dato h is waiting for us in temerloh exit. he was from kl. its been quite sometimes after we use this original route to kl. almost got lost on the to temerloh town. asked around for the best pating restaurant. finally, we settled down by the river bank in temerloh downtown. just beside the bus station. lunch was served. dato h and hamka enjoyed the pating tempoyok. me... hehhehe i am not the fresh water fish person...

about 4pm we left for kuantan. got to rush because tonite we headed for red on black concert. hamka will be joining us tonite as well. me and dato h with our partners. hopefully the concert is worth of the ticket price hahahah.... wings, search and ella... dont let us down...

Friday, October 8, 2010

offroad... 20101008 showdownkl

this time is showdownkl 2010. rode only with dato h to kl since the rest were busy... both of us blast quite well all the karak route. entering karak i can see dato h rt was a bit shakey. i just ignore since his speed still above 150kmh at that time. i think this is the fastest time we made at karak. i reached gombak toll first... about 5 min later followed by dato h...  he told me that  he felt something wrong on his bike. not as usual... hahahah i said u are fast man... dato h is the man...

the show began with a concert by bunkface......
about 630 pm i went to stadium malawati shah alam for the showdown. glad to see all these players are still fit and healthy. only boris becker didnot showup. still remember becker, the youngest ever wimbledon champ.. using his raket PUMA. newly introduce and well marketed. izli acong bought once its launched. tapi now ni i dont think puma racket ada lagi. then ivan lendle using adidas racket. izli acong jugok beli.  among my tennis friends izli acong is a bit avance in term of tennis gear.... he is the man. he only bought anything that was not in town yet.
the game was started by the goran ivanesevic and pat cash... goran holds record for fasters serve during his time. on the other hand pat cash is the first aussie to win wimbledon if i am not mistaken....
then it was followed by ivan lendle and mat wilanders.... these two players are still energetic....

finally is the mix double match... goran and anna kournikova vs martina hingis and pat cash... hingis is my favorite during her time... she is a bit skinny then before. for me befroe is better hahahah i like... i am not a big fan of anna even she retired from tennis and end up in modelling....

the next day,dato h, hamka and mark nijang rode to kl. we went for lunch in ampang at one chinese restaurant.... later we went got paksu in pertama.... shopping and just looking hahahahah....

Thursday, October 7, 2010

runnaway... 20101007

ad hoc trip. hamka, pok ar and mak nijang decided to have coffee in kuantan.. me as usual always.. dato h, rushing back to kuantan from office. he wont miss the event maaaa... even it just an hour ride...

the original plan was pakisaji... hamka was smiling all the way because of pakisaji. however, it was closed. anyway, we always have back up plan hahahhah... the opposite restaurant.. runway...

at runaway, we have two guys from kt and the restaurant owner joint us. they came here to pick up a new bike bought by one of 'em.

hamka..... the happiest man alive.. pok arr wakpe muka gitu tuh? hahahah

oloh gelap pulop gambo mak nijang and dato h....
as usual hamka always wanted to shake the town with his r1. we went to tc to satisfy him...

Monday, October 4, 2010

hit the road again??? ...... where?

koh sa moi?
highlands? again?
sabah sarawak?

off road...

whether in group or individual, we always have activities...... even off riding.. the members are still the same.... we do not that many saing ghodong... so the same faces will be involved....

tennis malaysian open 2009... final between verdasco and davydenko

final malaysian open 2010....

atv at bukit gambang resort city... dato g is the one who initiate this activities... anything to do with motosports... he is the man...
berebuk atv....
ready to rock and roll....
the best picture ever... tgk ah sapa bowok tu...

watching hockey or soccer... me and dato h always bring along our beloved wife and children....
muka org mabuk laut...

fishing and chadatting.... hhahhaha dato h and me... can't imagine we ent out to sea .. total journey almost 24 hours...
sometimes we went to concert.. this one was amy search... can't find pictures for shiela majid concert

yuna life in shahputra...

flying foxing....

golfing..... how to rotate? gemok la mu tommy weh...


harley davidson boot... honda shadow 650(if i m not mistaken)

i bought this boot while i was in the states... good to have this expecially during winter time. never rode horses with this boot... mat saleh pung dok paka...hahhahhaha sometimes wore this riding but susoh masuk gear... see the nose like razorback maaa....

i guess dato b and meka shud have this...

jjcm lagi.... 20101002 ict

we have 4 bikes today, me , dato h, zek, and meka.... meka worked hard to increase his riding hours. so far not more than 1k km yet hehhehe.... me and dato h with partners lah.. dating jb and dr respectively. dating smile all the way... suka sgt buleh ride dgn dato... syg sengoti ke dato h dia.... hehehe relik dating....

 dato h and meka duk kelebek ke his own bb.... both of them got new bb i guess...

guane??? chomolot tu.... macang2

 senyung lagi dating....

gua pung nok ade gambo jugok... those guys are listening to meka telling his past experience offshores...

the r1 and zx10... park far2 away ... really rookie la.. susah mau park ooo....

silence millionaire... they are still closed when we got here.... but wait a bit... full house maaa...
on the way home, we went thru kt town. meka nangis2 ask us to ride thru town... i think he wanted to listen to his new exhaust in town.... hehehhe meka told us that he went to kt only once before. sedih dengo... meka .. u know this is the place you can find beautiful, people, good food and good culture you know... we used the same road we came this afternoon.... arrived home safe and sound that evening...

Sunday, October 3, 2010

kecik2 basoh beskal.. bile beso basuh muto ah pulop...

i still remember when we were kids, we use to wash our bicycle together-gether.. the best time during rainy day or monsoon season. when i told dato h that i am on my way home to wash my bike, he said he wanna joint me. i said why not hehehhe... both of us sometimes don't have nothing to do hehhe...
 dato h serious nok mapuh basoh muto.... sayang sgt ke mu... dating jeleh nung...

budget... paka glo je.. DR balik tgk sabung habih... kui2